2024 Love of Learning Award Recipient

Posted Friday, February 28, 2025

Leah Jansen has been selected as a recipient of this year’s Love of Learning Award. Each year, through a competitive process, Phi Kappa Phi distributes two hundred Love of Learning Awards, at $1,000 each, to members who have completed their bachelor’s degree, for the purpose of continuing their studies or professional development.

Leah Jansen is a 4th year doctoral candidate in the MSU School Psychology program. 

She researches academic achievement and its predictors in student populations including gifted students and students facing intersectional inequities. She recently matched for her 5th-year pre-doctoral internship at Michigan Medicine and plans to graduate in Spring 2026. 

She holds a B.A in French Language and Literature, an M.A. in Educational Studies, both from the University of Michigan.

Leah will be using funds from the Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award to continue her graduate research, and help to share it and learn from others at the Association for Psychological Sciences (APS) annual conference taking place in Washington DC from May 22-25, 2025.